Self Managed Super Funds

Ensure a future you can be excited about.

Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF)

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a secure way of growing your investments to increase your retirement savings.

The advantages of providing for retirement through an SMSF include:

  • Reduced tax on investment income and capital gains
  • Ongoing tax benefits from an allocated pension fund upon retirement
  • Reduced administration costs


Taking control of your super

SMSFs hold almost one-third of all money invested in superannuation funds in Australia today. They are becoming increasingly popular because of the personal control and flexibility they offer you.

SMSF trustees have the advantage of making all the investment decisions and having full control over their portfolio. And this brings considerable responsibility and the risk of selecting poor investments.


Setting up an SMSF

Superannuation is complex and requires full understanding to ensure the SMSF is compliant. You can have peace of mind knowing the wealthpreneur®  team specialises in all aspects of SMSF to ensure your investments create long-term wealth.

And because our wealthpreneur®  team has an ASIC approved SMSF auditor, you will gain confidence and feel secure knowing your SMSF is fully compliant.

wealthpreneur®  can advise on whether an SMSF is the best choice for you. Once you decide to establish an SMSF, our financial advisors will make sure your investment portfolio is professionally managed. We also provide strategic advice on contributions planning, pension payments and other matters.

Our SMSF professionals will ensure your fund meets all the legal requirements, compliance issues, and delivers excellent financial outcomes.


Our Full range of SMSF services

wealthpreneur’s SMSF services include:

  • Evaluation of the suitability of an SMSF for your particular circumstances
  • Fund establishment
  • Ongoing compliance documentation and procedures
  • Fund administration and accounting
  • Assistance with ATO audits and reviews
  • Preparation and lodgement of statutory returns
  • Pension establishment
  • Documentation to record the transition to pension phase
  • Ongoing administration of pension funds

The rules for Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) has had many big changes occur in the Federal Budget May 2016, which has introduced complications

Real Businesses, Real Stories

Success stories from the client we have assisted

A recent medical client with an expected SMSF of more than $1.6 million dollars approached wealthpreneur®  for advice.

Author and Managing Director of wealthpreneur, Sandeep Bhatt, sent the client his latest eBook titled “Top Seven Changes to Super, How it impacts your personal and business tax” as it was clear his client was passionate about SMSF and knew more about SMSF than most accountants.

wealthpreneur®  provided up-to-date advice and knowledge on this complex subject and was able to show his client how to create and maintain wealth.

Contact us to discuss whether an SMSF is the best option for you, or to explore ways to improve the performance of your existing SMSF.

Real Business, Real Stories

Success stories from industrie types we've assisted

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      Parramatta Office

      Level 14, 3 Parramatta Square, 153 Macquarie St, Parramatta NSW 2150

      Hurstville Office

      Suite 294,1 Barratt Street Hurstville NSW 2220

      Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
