Accountants For International Businesses

Helping you navigate the complexities, laws and regulations of international markets

Overseas Companies

Australia has one of the strongest economies in the world and offers many advantages for investors, exporters and global companies. The business culture is mature, built around a solid legal and corporate framework with few barriers to entry.

We are passionate about helping overseas companies establish themselves in Australia because we understand the complications and challenges involved in expanding internationally.

Expanding your business into a foreign country can be an overwhelming experience unless you fully understand the local operating laws, rules, and regulations.

wealthpreneur® can assist by advising you of all the relevant laws, rules and regulations and, most importantly, by ensuring you are fully compliant.

Our thorough knowledge of registrations and local and international reporting requirements ensures our clients receive cost effective, high quality assistance tailored to your specific business goals.

Getting the right relevant advice at the start is critical to ensure you have a smooth transition and future business success in Australia.

The wealthpreneur® team will help you with:

  • Business incorporation and branch registration
  • Corporate compliance – covering taxation (ATO), corporate reporting (ASIC) and stock exchange (ASX)
  • Outsourced accounting and treasury function
  • Taxation – including direct and indirect taxes and GST (VAT)
  • Sending profit to your home country correctly
  • Withholding tax issues
  • Government incentives
  • Asset protection
  • Financial planner for doctors


Real Businesses, Real Stories

Success stories from the client we have assisted

Client:   Jeg Balakrishnan

             (CFO of International IT Company from USA)

1) Why is Sandeep such a good accountant?

Sandeep offers a range of services: consulting, tax, company accounts, payroll. In addition Sandeep is well connected with immigration lawyers.

Sandeep is very knowledgeable in all areas including international tax planning and does everything on time.

2) What objections did you have before you decided to work with him?

No real hesitation as Sandeep was recommended by a colleague, which I have a good opinion about.

3) What specific results did you get from working with him?

As we were a start-up 3 years ago operating from the USA, we needed someone who knew the Australian laws and who could help set the business up.

Sandeep set up the company properly, by being compliant with the right rules, laws and regulations.

4) Why would you recommend him to others? Why?

Yes, definitely because Sandeep helped in several areas of our business and I know

Sandeep will do a great job with everyone.


                                   TESTIMONIAL VIDEO


Contact our specialist accountants on +612 8896 6166 to discuss the right strategy to establish your business in Australia

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Real Business, Real Stories

Success stories from industrie types we've assisted

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      Parramatta Office

      Level 14, 3 Parramatta Square, 153 Macquarie St, Parramatta NSW 2150

      Hurstville Office

      Suite 294,1 Barratt Street Hurstville NSW 2220

      Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
